The Quiet Ones X Gracie’s House

The Quiet Ones + Gracie's House

Beginning in 2025, The Quiet Ones is committed to a new annual fundraising partnership. Every year, our editors will choose a charity to support with a year-long drive, promoting their mission on our website, social media accounts, blogs, and in our zine. For the calendar year 2025, we have chosen Gracie’s House – an arts, grants, and camps provider whose mission supports and protects LGBTQ+ youth and their families.

Young LGBTQ+ people endure bullying, including individual, societal, and governmental, at increased rates compared to their cis/straight peers. In urban or more accepting environments, there is more support at hand. By and large, rural areas have often left LGBTQ+ youth and their families isolated and without resources. As these areas continue to grow LGBTQ+ organizations, we would like to help them maintain safe community spaces for their youth. We provide a partnership with peer educators for parents on their child’s gender or sexuality journey in order to expand the idea of safe spaces into homes all over the country. Gracie’s House was named for this reason. Our home has always been a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth and our wish is that in time, every home follows suit.

Read an introduction to the organization from A.S. King, founder of Gracie’s House, in our 2024 Annual issue.

You can donate funds directly to Gracie’s House here or learn more about their work by visiting today.


Announcing our 2025 Annual Edition!


Announcing Our New Executive Editor: Alexis Powell